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A Policy on Protection of Employees Who Report Financial Improprieties or Other Misconduct
Adopted by the Board of Directors on February 4, 2012

This policy applies in the event that any employee of The Archaeological Conservancy (“The Conservancy”) has reason to believe that another employee or any other person affiliated with the Conservancy has engaged in questionable conduct involving financial improprieties, misuse of the organization’s assets, or other fraudulent, dishonest, or illegal conduct detrimental to the interests of the Conservancy. This misconduct may include but is not limited to theft of equipment or cash, fraudulent expense reports, misstatements of any accounts, or a conflict of interest that may result in financial harm or public discredit to the Conservancy. The Archaeological Conservancy encourages its employees to report such questionable conduct through the following process.


  1. Employees may make a confidential report at any time to the President or Chair of the Board in writing or in person. This report may be submitted anonymously.
  2. A committee of the Board of Directors of the Conservancy will promptly conduct an investigation into the matter. The committee will keep the reporting employee’s identity confidential at all times to the full extent permitted by law, unless the employee submitting the report indicates otherwise. Employees making such reports will be informed of the results of that investigation.
  3. Upon completion of the investigation, the committee will recommend to the President the appropriate action to be taken. If The Archaeological Conservancy concludes that financial improprieties, misuse of the organization assets, or other fraudulent, dishonest, or illegal conduct detrimental to the interests of the Conservancy has occurred, the offender will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include verbal or written reprimand, suspension or termination. The employee making the report will be informed of the disciplinary action taken.


If having made a report of suspicious conduct an employee subsequently believes that he or she has been subjected to retaliation of any kind by any Conservancy employee, the employee should immediately report it to the investigating committee and the President, if applicable. Reports of retaliation will be investigated promptly in a manner intended to protect confidentiality, consistent with a full and fair investigation. The Archaeological Conservancy strongly disapproves of and will not tolerate any form of retaliation against employees who report concerns in good faith regarding the Conservancy’s operations. Any employee who engages in such retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. The committee conducting the investigation will notify the reporting employee of the results of the investigation.

In all instances, a prompt, thorough and fair investigation will take place, giving careful consideration protecting the rights and dignity of all people involved. No retaliation of any kind will occur because an employee has in good faith reported an incident of suspect fraudulent behavior.